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Friday, September 27, 2019

Some Tips on Effective Blackjack Betting Strategies

By Will Swith  |  8:15 AM No comments

The card game of blackjack, also known as 21, is a game of both luck and skill. Because of the luck component, even the most skilled player can not win all the time. But, having some understanding of blackjack betting strategy will give you some advantage and may help improve the odds in your favor.
There are different types of betting strategies that may be used in playing blackjack. One type is concerned with the initial bet on each hand before the cards are dealt, and is based on hands won or lost in prior plays. A different strategy is concerned with placing additional bets in certain situations during the hand while the cards are still in play.
A strategy known as negative progression suggests that every time you lose a hand of blackjack, you should double your bet on the next hand. The idea is that when you do have a winning hand, you will recoup all of your losses and perhaps also come out some money ahead. This strategy assumes that because of probability, a losing streak will not continue for too many hands.
Positive progression is another type of strategy. It calls for the bet to be doubled after each winning hand, instead of after a losing hand as in negative progression. The intent is to take advantage of a lucky streak to maximize winnings, and as in negative progression, assumes the probability that in the long run winning and losing hands will be even.
There are several betting strategies that can be applied after a blackjack hand is dealt. One of them is known as doubling down. On any hand the player may choose to do this, and is allowed to double his bet. He then receives one card, and may not request any more. If the player wins the hand, he will receive twice the amount of his initial bet, since he doubled it during play.
Another betting strategy during play is to split pairs. If a player is dealt a pair, he may split the cards, making an additional bet equal to his original bet, and then play each one of the pair in a separate hand, receiving as many additional cards as desired unless he busts by going over 21. This gives him the opportunity to play two hands instead of one, and therefore potentially win more money.
An effective blackjack betting strategy can be very complex, but it is all aimed at giving the player a slight advantage over the dealer and therefore coming out ahead in the long term. Blackjack, like any other game of chance, requires not only knowledge but also discipline to play well. Regardless of strategy, it is considered unwise to play with money one cannot afford to lose.

Will Swith Author: Will Swith

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