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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Differences Between Internet Poker to Casino Poker

By Will Swith  |  9:48 PM No comments

 The Differences Between Internet Poker to Casino Poker

The poker world over the past decade has dramatically changed with the boom of the Internet. Although, most gambling games can be found online today the differences between playing online and at a casino do not change the face of the game. For instance black jack which is a gambling game found on the Internet and played worldwide is a betting game that is played against the dealer and it does not matter if you are sitting at home in front of your computer or at the casino the outcome will be the same.

Of course the mere fact that a player is sitting at home in front of the computer as opposed to the noisy and exciting casino can affect a players betting and play. However the decision to hit, stay or double will ultimately stay the same.

Poker, on the contrary, is a game played that very much depends on what the player's opponent has and what that opponent believes the player has. Bluffing, for example, is a huge part of poker, and playing online is a completely different type of bluffing than at the casino.

Like all things there are pros and cons to playing online ( online gambling games ) and to playing at the casino. When playing poker online, because you do not see the person and the means of communicating is through typing this can be a huge advantage or disadvantage. It is advantageous because now your opponent cannot read your reactions and has to guess what you hold in your hand. It also gives you the time to make decisions without feeling rushed or pressured by the people at the table. (Although some aggressive chatter's can put the pressure on.) On the other hand the fact that you cannot see your opponent and cannot put the pressure on him is a disadvantage for you the player.

Online poker gives even the beginner player the time and atmosphere to win real money and to truly improve their game. It also gives a poker player that "tells" easy a forum to bluff and bet without giving away his hand.

Casino poker is poker played in an exciting atmosphere under lights and at a table of other players betting, bluffing and raising. For an experienced player and a player that is good at bluffing and reading people the casino is for them.

It may seem that to be an excellent online poker player and a great casino player is contradictory, but it is not. You can be and excellent casino player and an amazing online poker player by just understanding the nuances of each game. At the end of the day poker is poker!!!

Will Swith Author: Will Swith

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